Social Responsibility

At Belgravia Group we care about the people, communities and environments we interact with either directly or via our clients, partners and suppliers. We believe that ongoing financial sustainability relies on the well-being of people, looking after the environment and mutually beneficial partnerships. 

BKs Gym and Swim

Social Inclusion

Belgravia Group’s aim is to achieve world best practice in access and inclusion in leisure facility operation.

BKs Gym and Swim


Belgravia Group is committed to create an environment where children and young people feel safe, included and have fun.

BKs Gym and Swim

Modern Slavery

Belgravia Group is committed to fulfilling its obligations and actively taking part in ending Modern Slavery.

BKs Gym and Swim

Environmental Sustainability

Recognising the importance of the preservation of our natural environment is of fundamental importance to Belgravia Group management and staff